Installation in Romania: MAG Fly 6 in Kruhnen Musik Halle

Installation in Romania: MAG Fly 6 in Kruhnen Musik Halle

Kruhnen Musik Halle is the largest venue in Brasov, Romania, which is, following the popular tendency, combines a concert hall and a night club. And it’s another venue with MAG Audio systems on board.

God is An Astronaut

After considering venue’s acoustic features, as well as high requirements in terms of sound system’s performance, the choice fell on MAG Fly 6, a fixed line array module, extremely powerful despite its compact size, and easy to use system due to the built-in Powersoft amplifiers. The main PA in Kruhnen Musik Halle comprises 6 x MAG Fly 6 modules, 3 elements each hang, with 6 x MAG Fly Sub 18 subwoofers supporting the low frequency range. 4 x MAG Fly 6 systems are deployed either side of the stage as outfills. 2 x MAG Z 120A active speakers are covering the near field area in front of the stage.

God is An Astronaut

The monitoring line in Kruhnen Musik Halle consists of 6 x MAG Focus 15A, powered coaxical systems. Apart from being used as traditional stage monitors, MAG Focus 15A are often used for Dj place monitoring thanks to the integrated pole-mount adapter.


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