Ivan NAVI’s First Drive-In Concert featuring MAG Audio
One of the most popular Ukrainian pop-artists, Ivan NAVI, has given a grand drive-in Birthday concert in Lviv city (Ukraine). The event took place on July 12th at the drive-in theater on the rooftop and was held in compliance with all required quarantine measures. To provide sound at the venue, the MAG Audio loudspeakers were used.
Ivan NAVI is a two-time nominee for the YUNA and Golden Firebird (“Золота жарптиця”’) Music Awards in the ‘Discovery Artist of the Year’ and ‘Best Performer’ categories. Following the results of 2019, he became the performer whose songs were most often played on Ukrainian radio stations.
At the concert, Ivan NAVI performed the most popular songs, such as “So Young” (“Такi молоді”), “Temporary Relax” (“Тимчасовий релакс”), “Falling in Love” (“Закохуюсь”), “It’s Her” (“Це Вона”) and other hits.
Sound at the concert was delivered with 2 x MAG Fly 6 and 2 x MAG Fly Sub 15 on each side of the stage.
Technical support was provided by the ARTMAX Engineering company.
Learn more:
MAG AUDIO at Kyiv Food Market
MAG NX 12A at Malevich Summer Terrace
MAG WASP at the XXIII Congress of Ukrainian Association of Football