White Nights Festival / MAG WASP

White Nights Festival / MAG WASP

On August 13-14, the festival of electronic music WHITE NIGHTS took place in Kyiv, Ukraine. The festival was traditionally held at the ‘Platforma’ art-factory that turned into baking-hot Africa during these two nights. It was African culture that became the main theme of the loud party this time. MAG Audio speakers delivered sound at the festival.

22 electronic musical directions were presented at the White Nights Festival. Africa this year as well as two contemporary art exhibitions. In total, 110 Ukrainian and foreign artists performed at the festival during these two days. Among them were the legendary DJ HELL, the Australian performer Dub FX, the godfather of the Ukrainian drum'n'bass Tapolsky, the Eurovision Song Contest participant, electro-folk band Go_A, and many others.

African elements were found throughout the whole territory of the festival — there were fiery tribal dances, colorful decorations, and huge photo zones. The African style was also consistent in the stages’ design - each of them had a special atmosphere, expressed its own driving energy and sounded in different genres. As for the sound equipment at the event, the flagship MAG Audio line array — MAG WASP — has become the main hero at several locations.

At the Inside Stage, where the atmosphere of rap and hip-hop reigned, the audience was rocked by Tricky Nicky, KAEF, BLUDOV, Madison, Special Key, TRIISH, Walid. The stage was equipped with 6 x MAG WASP per side, plus 2 x MAG Sub H28 per side.

MAG Focus 5 monitor in combination with the MAG WASP-S18 per side was used as Dj-fill. The versatile MAG Focus 5 stage monitor has multiple mounting angles to direct the sound towards the performer regardless of the distance from the monitor. In addition, the stand-mount adapter allows it to be used as a regular portable system with a sub, which is perfect for side-fill use.

At the Becherovka Stage, the scenery of which resembled a large tropical forest, a variety of DJ sets were provided by the showcase artists Cube Records UA and The ROOM. This zone was equipped with 4 x MAG WASP per side in combination with MAG WASP-S18

The compactness and power of MAG WASP is a critical factor for small locations where performance and ease of installation are highly important. Thoroughly designed components ensure clear sound even under maximum load, and a smart connecting system allows to assemble a ground stack even by one person.

The same set was used to equip a small Boho Stage, where the musicians of RIM and SkyBar showcases brought drive to the audience.

White Nights is a new Kyiv musical tradition. It’s a real celebration of electronic music, fiery dances and drive.


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